
References from community leaders, PhD professionals in the field, previous employees and clients.  

·       The children at Child’s Play are well adjusted and have self confidence. They are self reliant and academically ahead of other children.  Not all home child care providers provide the setting and strengths that Brendalyn is providing for your children. (long term daycare owner and previous substitute teacher at Child’s Play)

·       I want to tell you how much Brenna is benefitting from being at your daycare. We could not have asked for a better situation for her. It was obvious to us she had some catching up to do, and with your help we are seeing incredible progress in her growth both mentally and emotionally. She is happy. She is learning not to give up and to keep trying to learn. We could not be doing what we are doing without you. She loves going. (MW, client)

·       In all the projects in which Ms. Blake participated in while employed at Juniper Garden Children’s Project she showed high levels of competence in working with infants and young children and their families from diverse backgrounds, and with staffs from child care centers.  She was an exemplary employee with a great work ethic, and a wonderful team player.  (JC, Ph.D, Senior Scientist, Director, Early Childhood Research, Juniper Gardens Children’s Project) 

·       The school fosters an environment of compassion and education. I appreciate Brendalyn’s honesty, responsibility, creativity, commitment, and tireless effort. (RE, client)

·       I want to tell you how creative you are! The materials you have in your school are amazing. I love how independent you have made all the children. It truly amazes me. AA (previous substitute teacher at Child’s Play)

·       The one on one work provided by Brendalyn as well as the group activities are all so well thought out with the focus being on making learning fun. We appreciate the professional substitute teacher for her arts and crafts projects and that there is less time off of work for parents when Brendalyn needs time off. (JW, client)

·       Brendalyn is consistently striving to achieve the highest quality of work possible. (MC, owner of The Schoolhouse elementary school - a previous employer)

·       Brendalyn stands out as exceptional in tailoring preschool to each child’s needs. Brendalyn offers many benefits that are not always available at other home based programs. She has invested a tremendous amount of time, energy, and money in her facility and in making Child’s Play a top quality business. We feel Brendalyn is unique in the way she has created a setting that blends personal care with educational preschool activities. She is an exceptional teacher and caregiver.  (LS, client)

·       Brendalyn takes pride in her school, and demonstrates professionalism in the area of Child Care. Her example sets a high standard for all Preschools and Day Cares. She is a great resource and supporter for other providers and she is known to advocate for all children in daycare situations. (KS, substitute teacher)

·       Brendalyn operates a very structured and well maintained program. We have seen dramatic changes in our daughter’s development. The children are challenged each and every day. When we talk to other parents about Child’s Play, they are surprised that a provider is willing to spend so much of her own time and personal investments on improvements at the school. The expectations and school rules are consistent and reinforced. Our daughter has made tremendous strides educationally and socially. The school fosters learning and community. (HH, client)

·       Brendalyn approaches whatever she does with a zeal for excellence and great determination. Her behaviors and decision making demonstrate a strong dedication and adherence to set priorities. (MJ, PhD in psychology)

·       Brendalyn has put in hard work, patience, and time so that the children develop great memories and a wonderful start to a life time of education. I appreciate your specific age range, the small group, feedback, and notes on daily activities. (CG, client)

·       Brendalyn has consistently demonstrated high moral and value systems. Her attributes exemplify high standards of personal and social conduct, clear organization and adherence to priorities, cooperation, perseverance, and determination.  Brendalyn is a highly motivated individual who strives for nothing less than perfection in all that she does. This internal motivation coupled with her keen intelligence, are evident in all that she has accomplished. (GK, managing attorney of Legal Services Corporation)

·       We have noticed such a great improvement in our son since going to your preschool. You provide such a positive atmosphere that has carried into our home as well. You have taught us so much as parents. Thank you for being such a great provider and positive influence on every child that has the opportunity to go to your school. (LP, client)

·       We are so pleased with what great things Alyssa has to say about the school. She has never liked school and always wants to be with mommy. Since coming to your school she keeps saying when do I go back to school. (KL)

·       Brendalyn has great experience in teaching early literacy and implementing high quality early educational programs. (DW, Ph.D., in Child Development)

·       You have forever made a difference in my child’s life and ours. You have an amazing environment that combines learning and fun and compassion and creativity and so much more. I only hope she can have other teachers and role models like you in her lifetime. Our daughter talks about school all the time and is excited to go every morning. (KS, client)

·       We for sure appreciate the job you do each and every day!!  Thanks for putting so much effort into everything, going above and beyond and thinking outside the box all the time!  I cannot imagine a happier, more well rounded group of kids, and they are so lucky to have you as a teacher! (KS, client)

·       Child’s Play is a warm bright loving environment filled with structure, education, and such great activities. It is a place where they can help cook and play in the garden and really feel like part of a group. (SS,client)

·       You are truly one of the best in this profession and I always feel so good about this business when I leave your daycare. Your kiddos are so lucky.   Thanks for always doing a great job.   The kids are such great helpers. There are such nice routines here. (KG, Federal Food Program site visitor)

·       Child’s Play offers an environment that I have never experienced. You offer excellent facilities, a nurturing environment along with excellent education. Before we found your school, our son was unhappy with all of the other schools. The first day told me everything. He walked in the door with a smile and said “See you later Dad”. You have a gift with children that is obvious. We know our son will be successful with the great tools you’ve given him. (Brendan & DK.)

·       Brendalyn has demonstrated a high desire for success. By virtue of her performance, she has distinguished herself above many. She has demonstrated exceptional organizational skills and disciplined work habits. Brendalyn’s intellectual ability and her ability to work on her own and be creative will be sure to serve her well. Brendalyn handles stress well and relishes challenges. I have found her open, honest, and trustworthy. She leads a disciplined, organized life yet, she is definitely not overly rigid in her approach to life. She is a hard worker who lives a balanced lifestyle. (PC, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology)

·       Thank you for being so knowledgeable, energetic, inspiring, and lovable. You are a great teacher. (AL, client)

·       Brendalyn actively ensures that safety and health is of the highest priority in her home setting.  Areas used are clean, sanitary and full of enriching hands- on activities for the children to choose from.  The pro-active nature in which she prioritizes health has always impressed me. The children are well versed in drills for fire and tornado, and are able to express why safety rules are in place in the day to day structure of the daycare.  Activities are well organized with the infrastructure to allow for freedom as well as planned curricular goals.   The children are happy because they sense the consistency of both the structure and the rules.  Standards are high and in even the random moments of a day, learning is introduced as the children are preparing or waiting for the next activity.  Cooperation and team problem solving are emphasized.  Music and movement activities are a frequent part of the day. I have always had the highest admiration for the way children are encouraged to think, develop, interact and learn from their daily happenings in Brendalyn’s preschool.  (KS, substitute teacher)

·       You helped establish a love of learning in Lane. It is a true joy to watch the children learn with you as their teacher. (TB, client)

·       Corrie can’t wait to get home at night to tell us about her latest adventure. Thanks for always being there for our family. (HH, client)

·       Brendalyn is an enthusiastic, effective, and high energy teacher. (CS, learly elementary teacher and past coworker)

·       The kids have so much fun learning it doesn’t look like work for them. My daughter is learning more than I ever expected. (TJ, client)

·       I appreciate the special projects, special meals, and healthy snacks, new games and materials. You are always open to suggestions and your efforts really show. Thank you for your positive attitude and truly caring for the children. (VM, client)

·       Brendalyn is an insightful individual with excellent interpersonal skills. She has demonstrated these highly developed skills in her interactions with peers, educators, and in professional field experience and settings. Brendalyn interacts in discussions with openness, honesty, and insight. [She has a] talent for precise and thorough analysis of complex issues.  (MJ, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology / Director of Graduate Program/ board Member of Iowa Psychology Ethics Committee)

·       You have made such an impact on my daughter and far exceeded any of my expectations. Your passion for your work shines through in the faces of each of the children. (SH, client)

·       Preston only spent a short time with you but I could tell your approach and care truly had an impact on him. I appreciate the impression you had on him. (MC, client)

·       I can’t believe the time has come so fast.  Thank you for all you have done to help Alyson love learning.  She has enjoyed being in your care and we will always remember the time she spent with you. I know Alyson is definitely going to miss all of her great friends, the ‘rock garden’, the beautiful plants and flowers, all the amazing fieldtrips, playing dress up, climbing the tree, the great snuggles from you. Most of all, she and we are going to miss the fabulous teachers.  You know something is great when the first thing out of your child’s mouth every single morning is about school.  It really feels great when you have found your child the perfect care and they are so happy. Sending Alyson to Child’s Play was the best decision we could have made.  I only wish we would have found you sooner. Thanks again Ms. B.  The past almost 2 years have been wonderful.  You definitely set the bar high.  (KI, client)

·       I could not have asked for a better job. You have been such a great role model, mentor, and boss, and I learned so much this summer.  I looked forward to coming to school every day to see these kids and learn more from you. You have an amazing business here, one that I think I would like to have someday. (KC, substitute teacher)

·       Our daughter had the privilege of attending Child’s Play Preschool with Miss B. from the day she turned 2 ½ to the week before she started Kindergarten. I always knew she was learning so many things with Miss B and building a strong foundation for her education in the future. But what I didn’t know was just how much of a head start she really had until she began Kindergarten. We had our first parent teacher meeting and the Kindergarten teacher showed us how she assessed each student’s reading comprehension and basic skills. Out of 40 Kindergarten children, our child was the ONLY one with a perfect reading comprehension.   When her teacher told us that our daughter would be in a reading group of her own and that she would require more one on one time with her, she also told us that our daughter would begin her reading group at the 1st grade level. I am convinced that our daughter’s learning while attending Miss B’s school played a huge part in her success in Kindergarten. I highly recommend Miss. B to anyone wanting the same for their child. (RF, client)

·       When interviewing me for the position, Brendalyn appreciated the fact that I have a BS in Child Development, a BSN in Nursing, and previous experience in preschool and day care settings. I have enjoyed working for Brendalyn. As an employer, she is consistent and generous about giving me feedback on my performance as a teacher and care provider in her school. Together we communicate about each child’s development and needs, their goals and progress. When it comes to discipline, she strives for consistency between the teachers and between the school and home. In contrast, she appreciates that she and I have different teaching styles. The kids benefit from having the variety provided by an additional teacher. The ‘happiness benefit’ I get from working for Child’s Play is huge. I can’t thank you enough for your flexibility. (KS, substitute teacher)

·       From the curriculum, creative play, field trips, and personal attention that our daughter receives, we could not be more thrilled with the amazing progress our daughter has demonstrated.  We were both floored by the shelves full of containers of activities, each appropriately labeled and the entire level of the house was customized to satisfy the needs of her students.  Brendalyn showed us how children of different ages and cognitive ability could use the same activity at an appropriate level.  From her first day at school, our daughter was learning and doing things beyond her years.  Brendalyn truly believes in her students.  Within a short time, Cassie was telling us about her “good choices”, counting, bringing home countless projects she had completed, writing her name, and sequencing numbers.  The outstanding curriculum and the focused attention that Cassie, as well as the other kids receives, exceeds our expectations.   Brendalyn’s outstanding commitment to each child to educate them, not only scholastically, but in teaching life lessons, such as taking responsibility for choices (good and bad), is extraordinary.  Some of the values taught by Brendalyn include responsibility, accountability, and independence.   Cassie has had the opportunity to learn how to cook, plant a tomato plant, dig in the garden, do “schoolwork”, relay things she does over her holidays to her friends, etc.  One of her favorite games at school is called the Appreciation game, where you have to tell your friend something you appreciate about them other than a toy or something that they are wearing.  By the time Cassie turned 4 years old, she already functioned at a 1st grade level in so many areas.  We know that our daughter is in the best place she could be when she tells us how much she loves “Miss B.”  With her, our daughter has flourished into a lovely little girl with so much promise and hope for the future. (RF, client)

·       The preschool classroom is very well organized. Ms. B has a structured curriculum in place to provide guidance and organization on a daily and weekly basis. However, she is flexible to meet the children’s needs, and to follow their lead when they are thoroughly enjoying a theme, or remain curious about certain topics. I enjoy the freedom she gives me to create my own lesson plans, and to move into different directions when the children need it. Child’s Play has an abundance of quality educational toys designed specifically for language development and thinking skills. The school provides many free-play toys and activities that allow for imaginative play, interacting, and cooperating with others. Ms. B engages the kids in art activities and school work to improve their hand and finger skills. Games and movement activities, and gross motor equipment are available both indoors and outdoors. Child’s Play has a huge supply of materials to use, and Brendalyn is always adding to her resources according to the most up-to-date child development information. There is a separate area for snacks and meals. Ms. B has designed it so that the kids can help set the table, take turns serving food, get their own drinks, and share the responsibility for clean-up. The bathroom is organized to be efficient for two children to use at a time, and to keep it clean. Naptime is a happy time for the kids. They help set out their cots, listen to books, and doze off listening to classical music. Ms. B has arrival and dismissal flowing smoothly for both the parents and their children. Each child has their own area to keep their belongings, and a separate drawer for school work and communications to go home with parents. (KS, substitute teacher)

·   Brendalyn operates a very structured and well maintained program.  The children are challenged each and every day.  The things that caught our attention was the number of educational activities she has for the children and Brendalyn’s dedication to provide an excellent learning environment so the children can thrive.  When we talk to other parents about Child’s Play, they are surprised that a provider is willing to spend so much of her own time and personal investments on improvements at the school.  Our oldest daughter, Corrie, understands the expectations placed on her at school and strives to excel. Brendalyn structures her curriculum for different age ranges.  I have no reservations that Corrie’s transition into Kindergarten will be successful due to her participation in Brendalyn’s preschool program.  When it was time to enroll our youngest daughter, Addison, at Child’s Play, we were counting the days until she was old enough to start her new adventures.  Addison was ready to be challenged and in the short time that she has been attending Child’s Play, we have seen dramatic changes in her development.  At Child’s Play the expectations and school rules are consistent and reinforced.  We live in an area where there are many options for preschool and daycare centers, and we could not imagine taking the girls anywhere else.  Child’s Play is a special place that fosters learning and community. (RH, client)

·   Brendalyn does NOT take her job lightly. She is extremely committed and professional. She takes great pride in what she does! This is not only apparent in the set up of the school itself, but also the paperwork side that goes along with it. It is nice as a parent to not only know what to expect, but also what is expected of you. The Kodak gallery photos the school shares are always the highlight of my day. It is great to see the kids engaged in their activities, learning new things, singing fun songs, cooking new treats, and ALWAYS with a smile on their faces! Child’s Play Preschool also steps outside the boundaries of what a normal preschool provides in many other ways. The children get to spend countless hours outside with Ms. B. working in the garden, learning about various plants and growing food that they then eat for lunch and snacks. Ms. B. is also very good about involving them in the cooking process and helping them learn to make and eat nutritious snacks and meals. I am confident that Ms. B could work with even the most difficult child and obtain excellent results. I know that when my two daughters enter Kindergarten that they will be well prepared form an educational stand point, a social stand point, and a creative and emotional stand point. What ties it all together, though, is knowing that they are receiving all of this while being in an environment where they are loved, supported, and given the space to be a kid! The expectations at Child’s Play are high, but the atmosphere and environment are one hundred percent child centered. (KS, client)

·       The experience William and Eleanor (and all our family, really) has had there is amazing. One of my favorite things is the freedom the children have within the structure. I feel confidant that learning and "academic work" goes on every day. But, if the weather is gorgeous - no need to do lessons inside, let's spend the day outside exploring and learning. The children are free to roam about the gardens and touch and feel what's growing. This was astonishing to grandparents picking up for the first time :) But, the kids love it and learn responsibility and a sense of adventure and exploration. The food - oh the food. Again, one of my favorite things about Child's Play. Most days I wish I was joining them for lunch because their menu is so much better than what I packed for myself! At our back-to-school check up this year, the pediatrician asked Will & Ellie what their favorite foods were. Ellie anxiously answered, "cucumbers and red peppers!". Will chimed in "green apples and stewed tomatoes - but not mixed together." The doctor looked at me in amazement and said, "well, I guess I don't have to worry about you getting nutritious foods!" Another of my favorite things about the school is seeing my children grow and progress from the new kids on the block to becoming the teacher. It's amazing seeing their sense of pride and responsibility when serving as the teacher/helper for younger classmates. This is something we've seen carried over at home. Just the other night Ellie was telling her younger brother "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." As we're working on potty training the "clothes to your toes and when you sit, scoot back" rhyme has made its way back to our house. Will was describing kindergarten and 1st grade to Ellie Kate and telling her "You remember blends? You'll get to do more of those." Both of them were reading before starting kindergarten. Both love audio books and have built their vocabulary by reading and listening to a variety of books. (KN, client)

·       Brendalyn is very highly regarded in the day care profession and has an outstanding work ethic. She has extensive early childhood education and runs an exceptional preschool program. She has truly put such a remarkable effort into making sure her home and program are stimulating, fun, safe, and nurturing! She has an incredible way with the kids and you can see the light in their eyes when she has an exchange with them. These are such lucky children in my view because they are not only receiving good care, they are learning to be caring people, building self-esteem through so much positive reinforcement, and in general receiving lots of extra little things that help our kids grow into healthy adults. She puts in so much more than she is required to! I feel so good about our profession when I visit Brendalyn’s facility. Brendalyn attends many professional trainings and never does just the minimum. She has been asked to be on a panel of her peers at a Day Care Connection training because of her wonderful skills and talent. We thought she would be an excellent resource for our other providers. She is involved in provider support groups as well and it seems she is always seeking to better herself for the children and families that she serves. (KG, BSW, Home Visitor /Trainer /Provider Support Services for the Federal Food Program)