Child’s Play is a one room classroom bridging the gap between public and private care. While home based, the daycare is self contained on its own floor with a 650 sqaure foot classroom, a kitchen, restroom and its own entry.
Child’s Play has an intentional focus on creative outdoor play that sometimes are sorely lacking in the concrete jungles of present childhoods. Confining childhood experiences to indoors, overanalyzed play structures, and green areas covered in only grass has created a point of view in which having a program that cultivates children to develop a sense of place within nature is sometimes now perceived as a back to basics/old fashion idea. Regardless - and in fact, because children’s green space has been replaced so pervasively with “screen space” (electronics /tv), there is a fast growing body of research data that is reminding families and teachers of the beneficial effects of the natural environment on children’s health and well-being. The ‘outdoor time’ that this research is focusing on is not the many large scale/ adult structured soccer games parents are rushing their children to and from but rather having children build an environmental literacy through frequent and varied opportunities for UNSTRUCTURED spontaneous free form creative play with natural materials in nature filled settings.
The current research is repetitive in its conclusions that children whose lives include more free exploration in the outdoors succeed at higher levels than comparative children in areas of social, emotional, and developmental milestones. They show more creative and cooperative play, lower stress levels and greater resiliency, have more active imaginations, become fitter, leaner, and happier, develop fewer symptoms of ADD and ADHD, and have greater respect for themselves, others, and the environment.
Here at Child’s Play, the kids are offered many different outdoor areas of interest (rooms). They get very excited about each and every one of these activities and any one or two can entertain them for half a day.
These include: art class with sidewalk chalk on the concrete and brick pathways, the swing under an arbor, tree climbing, the hammock which routinely closes around them to houses them in their ‘caterpillar stage’ and then opens to release the ‘butterflies’ they have become, year round running through the mazes (rows of flowers/bushes), digging deep into the soil, finding, collecting, differentiating, and learning characteristics of many species of bugs, track races on foot and trikes/bikes, free reign of the flower beds to play hide and seek in, kid sized stone walls to sit on, playing in the yard and on the pathways while the sprinklers are on, floating toys in the water fountain, running along the path under the maple tree that is trimmed to their size and holds a wind chime they love to hear as they bump it along their way, dead heading flowers and using their stalks for cross country skis, canes, fishing poles & tree branches extending from the human tree they make themselves into. They set up shops and have ‘sales’ from which they sell their wares to their friends. They chant (whatever today’s sale is: eg. = rocks) for sale, rocks for sale. They make birthday cakes out of mounds of rocks, sticking sticks in the top to mimic candles, and sing to their friends. They know the names and seed types for more flowers than most adults and are always allowed to take home seeds and fresh flowers. They also participate in group games on the lawn like freeze tag, duck duck goose, and hide and seek. The kids plant, water, grow, and eat from their own vegetable garden. And of course, Fall time is ripe with leaf activities.
Below is just a flavor of the happiness and creativity the kids enjoy here when they are outside in the nature provided at Child’s Play.
Cassie ran the track stopping under the trees and calling out repeatedly “Birdies’ – Where are you? I find your feather!!”
Kayla can stand still for such a long time holding her hands outstretched – extended even longer with a river birch stick – waiting patiently for the birds to think she is a tree and land on her.
Gracie consistently asks for permission to play by saying enthusiastically “ Can we go have a blast?!”
Corrie and Garrett ran the straight path to and from the gate calling out that the half moon (still visible – they noticed) “goes with them everywhere they go”. The children’s love affair with worms and rollie pollies is legendary. One time a child had her pockets so full of rollie pollies that we resorted to attempting to tip her upside down…when that produced lots of laughs but no results, we changed her clothes, released her rollie pollie friends, and started over. In the kid’s minds, this was the height of success at school that day. Mornings are frequently reserved for snuggling on the swing in the early mornings with Ms. B. It is very peaceful. They share their thoughts and get to wake up slowly.
When Lane was asked if he wanted a turn climbing and sitting in the tree he said “I’m in my office…I can’t leave”. His office was a sheltered area between 2 evergreens and behind some lavender. Friends were visiting him there.
Grandpa Blake's visits are extremely high ranking days. The kids follow him anywhere he goes and help hold garden tools and help with the tasks. Once I asked the group “Whoever wants to walk with Grandpa Blake go with him and whoever wants to stay playing I’ll stay here”. One by one EVERY child lined up behind Grandpa and so I too followed along picking up the rear of Grandpa’s next adventure.
One child is known as a friend to every bug, another the gardener, another as the long distance runner on the track, and another always wants to hide in the tall grasses.
The outdoor environment at Child’s Play is packed corner to corner with exploratory gems. It is built with stamped concrete, pea gravel, brick, and stepping stone pathways around all sides of the house. It has 7 different species of trees totaling 16 throughout the yard and spring bulbs line all the pathways exploding into a rainbow of flowers. There are over 100 different varieties of plants. The kids are encouraged to play and work in the gardens and learn about the plant names, growth, scents and flowers. They are allowed to take home almost anything. Plant selection encourages a bounty of dragonflies, butterflies, hummingbirds, and all winged friends to play among the kids.